Wednesday, December 27, 2017

We did it!! House move!!

Miracles do happen!
I closed on my 2 houses today!  :)
I sold my house, bought my neighbors (bigger, 4bed) house, and moved!!  So ironic and crazy how it all came to be....
I had 2 contracts on it.  The first one was a single, elderly lady moving from out of town, paying cash.  I immediately accepted her offer.  Then, a few days later, she randomly backed out.  I was a bit shocked and saddened, but at peace with it all because I know Who was in control of it.  Then, no joke, 30 minutes later, I had a 2nd offer in!! WOW!!  And, long story short, it's an Asian family with kids my kids' ages!!  Ecstatic, I accepted it all with no counter offers.  I knew with my growing Asian family, I would love to have a neighbor with Asian kids as well! 
So, lots of fingers crossed and prayers, inspections, appraisals, boxing up things, moving, clean, and closing; it has ALL worked out!  And so smoothly and uneventual!
At the closing today, I met my new neighbor, they one buying our old house, and already exchanged phone numbers.
I'm so excited to have them in our family neighborhood and to be their neighbor!

My previous blog entry of how it started at an earlier date: 

In short, I'm selling my house and it's on the market!!  I'm trying to move to 4 bedroom (bigger house for a growing family), and I already "have" the house, but need mine to sell first.   If, I can get it all done within about a month or so, the address changed wouldn't mess up my adoption paperwork and I wouldn't have to the pay extra for the addendum fees.  So.... maybe, in hind-sight, it's good that my OSBI report got delayed to buy me a bit more time of selling and buying a new house??!?  Who knows....  Because my house is still up for sale, and getting some showings.  If it sells quickly, than I'll know it IS a God thing for sure.
But, I have a funny feeling the whole story IS a God thing.  Back story on the house situation and why I decided to do it NOW!
When I was a Realtor, I sold my neighbor's their house a few years ago.  I always liked their house, and over time, we become friends and good neighbors.  Borrowing sugar, eggs, whatever, our kids going to each other's birthday parties, etc.
About two months ago, I was out walking my little dog in the neighborhood, and I saw them outside. I stopped and kind of jokingly said to them, "Hey, if you ever decide to sell, I want first dibs on your house!  I haven't told anyone yet, but I'm adopting again, and I will need a 4 bedroom."
We all kind of laughed and went about our ways.
About a week ago, as I was driving to the Panhandle to see my Family, she texts me a random text, "Hey, this is random and maybe a God-send, but we are selling our house, and wanted to know if you would still be interested in it?"  Ummmmm, "OMG!!! YES!!!"
Without giving too many personal details, they have to sell NOW, and in return, I need to sell my house NOW so I can buy their house.
I told her I needed to make some phone calls and think about it.
I talk to my lender, and we talked numbers.  If all goes well, I could take the profit from my house and put down on the new house, and in turn, my monthly payments would be cheaper!!  What?!?!  Wow!!!  "God, is this another way you are providing for my family, and confirming this is what I am supposed to be doing?!"
So, I immediately get my house on the market and up for sale.
Now, I'm waiting and having showings on my house.  Praying it sells so soon!
I would love for my new son to already have his own room when he gets to America so he doesn't have to have the trauma of moving again and more changes.
I would love for Cade not to have to share a room with a "stranger" whom is he new little brother.
And, I would love for my monthly payments to be less.

I know it's not the best time to put a house on the market for sale - around the Holiday, winter season, but if it's meant to be, it will be.

And, who knows.... maybe this is all part of God's big plans.

And, yes, I'm a bit overwhelmed trying to: sell a house, move, keep a house clean, do the adoption process, fundraise, raise 2 kids that have activities and school, and work full time, and do it all by myself.  And, pretty soon, add the holiday chaos on top of all of that.
I'm just trying to stay focus on the end goal, and see my life in 5, 10, 20 years from now.  It will all be worth it!!

LOTS of updates!

I got many exciting updates to share regarding my adoption journey for my new son in China!!  I know I’ve been a bit quiet on the process, b...